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Our School

Beyond the Classroom, Inc. is a South Dakota-based company that offers educational and tutoring services for a wide variety of subjects. The company focuses on the learning process for a variety of students that require a different approach. Our students may include high achievement scholars that are looking for an edge; students who are struggling to learn within the confines of public-school parameters; and those students who for many reasons need a faith-based solution to keep them on track.

Principal’s Welcome

We are now at a place in the history of our country where the values and principles of God’s Word must be intentionally taught to our children as never before, or they will be forgotten entirely.  The Bible tells us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” (Proverbs 1:7) Our culture values knowledge, but not wisdom from God, and certainly not discipline, thus, our culture has become foolish.  But change begins with us –with me—repenting of my failures and trusting the Savior to help me live my life according to Godly principles each day.


My heart yearns for mankind to know that they can stand secure on Gods Word, and thus, I look at the coming school year with much anticipation and excitement, knowing that the purpose of this “school” is unchanged—“to pray for these students daily and train this generation to impact the next generation for Christ.”  With His wisdom and guidance, we have much to look forward to in this coming school year as He teaches us through the struggles, the mistakes, the opportunities, and the successes of each day here at Beyond the Classroom.  May we give Him the praise and the glory for the great things He will do!


God Bless,

Mrs. Brink

Vision Statement

Beyond the Classroom is a place that desires to honor the Lord Jesus Christ by purposefully incorporating God’s word into every aspect of school which includes Religion, Mathematics, Reading, Writing, Grammar, History, Science, Music, friendships, serving others, and clean-up tasks.


The learning environment is closely related to the “Country School” of days gone by—with all age and grades working in the same room.  Some subjects are individually taught, while others are taught to the group as a whole.  Students are instructed by the teacher, but the idea “we learn what we teach” is a huge part of our school day as all students are strongly encouraged to help one another on assignments, ask another student for help before coming to the teacher, and older students are even assigned to work with younger students in different areas of subject matter, thus creating opportunity for students to teach what they know and have the ability to conduct our relationships with all people.  This is emphasized at all times through the Scripture we memorize and talk about, the stories we read, the people we learn about and the discussions we have.  In addition to these, the daily event of the day, do the most “character training”, and they are looked upon as the most teachable moments of character.  One’s true character is often revealed in difficult circumstances, which means our attitude towards failure, having to rework incorrect assignments, or playing a group game brings our character to the surface and those times of failure, frustration, and giving up what we had wanted to become the moments that Christ gracefully uses to mold and shape us into individuals that honor Him.


Beyond the Classroom works closely with the student’s homes because they are vital in a child’s life.  Each family brings wonderful qualities, backgrounds, and viewpoints that influence our school.  The parents’ support, encouragement and ideas are necessary for discussions, projects, homework, etc.  The home is foundational to Beyond the Classroom.


It is my prayer, as the teacher, that these unique aspects of our time together will encourage students to honor the Lord Jesus Christ while we learn about His world in order that the foundations of the Christian faith will not be forgotten but be lived out in day-to-day life and passed on to the next generation.


Beyond the Classroom, Inc. exists to help students within a less-than-traditional business design. Beyond the Classroom, Inc. takes a unique and innovative approach to teaching that helps students connect with the subject matter they need to master in grades K-12. Through personalized and focused teaching processes, our students develop the tools they need for ongoing success in their fields of study and living a Christ centered life.


  • Christ Centered

  • Academic Excellence

  • Relationship Focused

  • Excellence Driven

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